There are lots of interesting case studies available regarding destination marketing. Most destination marketing campaigns are done by cities, provinces and countries. It’s almost never a ho(s)tel or restaurant that takes on the challenge to host a destination marketing program or campaign. But… why not?
Why YOU should be a destination marketeer:
The main reason behind this is that tourism is such a big economy nowadays that (local) governments see the need to invest in it. As they invest in the promotion of the location, the ho(s)tel or restaurant benefits from that same effort. And so do all other businesses in the area. However, by stepping up the game and not just piggybacking you can establish a great amount of thought leadership and win the SEO game for your brand. There’s lots of opportunity in being more than just a place to stay or eat. If you scale yourself from being a ho(s)tel or restaurant to, what we could almost call, a travel agency, you will automatically start bringing in visitors. Besides their choice to stay or eat with you they will also trust you in your recommendations. The chance of them visiting the places you advice them increases and therefore your leverage when it comes to partnerships does so too.
12 inspiring case studies
But okay, case studies. So many out there, but so little by ho(s)tels or restaurants. That doesn’t really matter though. We can still learn from them. I made this list of case studies I want to look at. I will research them over time so you can expect deep dives into these in the future. I hope these examples are as inspiring to you as they are to me and help you to get new, innovative ideas.
- Hamburg: from Traditional Destination Marketing to Strategic City Branding
- Edmonton: City Branding Case Study.
- Mississauga: “Focus on the Future”
- Colorado: Come to life
- Buenos Aires: their website and all it offers
- Detroit: Chief Storyteller
- Estonia: #JustEstonishing
- The Faroe Islands SheepView (“Google Streetview Alternative”) and Translate social media campaigns.
- Finland: first country with its own emojis
- Georgia: dine like a VIP with the prime minister
- Luxembourg Let’s make it happen
- Wellington: Word on the street
So, there you have it. Twelve inspiring case studies in destination marketing for you to look at. You can click the link of whichever one you are interested in to figure out more. Or you can become a member of the 100% free Tremento Tribe. Just click here. By becoming a member you will be automatically updated when MY deep-dive is up on the blog: because yes, I will investigate all of these examples. And you will read about it here.
Did you enjoy this post? Then please let me know in the comments. Feel free to share your thoughts and if you come across any inspiring destination marketing examples: please do share!
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