Get more guests with travel tip posts – SOCIAL MEDIA FOR HOTELS #3

Hotel Not Hotel Social Media Packing List Amsterdam Facebook Post

One of the best things you can do through your social media is to help your visitors in their travel-preparations. This is a great way to get them even more excited for their upcoming trip while at the same time showing your best, genuine interest in them. It gives you the opportunity to show your guests that you know them, their struggles and their doubts. By creating a serie of travel tips & tricks, you can engage your audience for a longer period of time and get some appreciation in return.

So what could these posts look like? Let’s take a look.

What should they bring?

First of all: you know your hotel and you know what facilities you’re offering your guests. So there’s no better person than you to tell your guests whether they should bring a warm sweater for the evenings, an umbrella or heaps of sunscreen. Do a little research and make two lists. What are general things people should think about and what are the types of things your guests often forget to bring, or didn’t even think about? This second list will be an ideal basis for some fun, surprising posts.

I made these few examples for ‘Hotel Not Hotel’ in Amsterdam, which is definitely on my I-want-to-visit-list. I used photos from the Facebook page of this incredibly designed hotel and a few stock photos to create the following #nothoteltips. First: the ‘normal’ packing list.

Or regarding location

You can also go ahead and give them some tips that have to do with your location. For Hotel Not Hotel, this could mean they give tips about the weather forecast, cycling routes or practical cultural tips (like: how much to tip at a restaurant?).

You can go really broad here, but try to stay within a certain category so your fans know what to expect from your tips-posts. So if you are going to give activity-tips, make sure you complete that serie of posts before hopping on to the next category (like good restaurants in the neighborhood, or festivities happening in the Summer, etc.). In my upcoming e-book I will share a complete list of possible categories for posts like these. If you want to be notified when this e-book is available, make sure to be part of the Tremento Tribe. Click here to become a member (it’s free). 

NOT to pack

Out of general tips? Why not turn it around and think about the facilities you offer. Tell your visitors about what they should definitely leave at home. Towels, bathroom slippers, shampoo… Sharing your amenities is one of the many things you could do. You could turn these things into a ‘not-to-pack-list’, like in the examples below.


  • Create a list of general items people should bring when they visit your hotel,
  • Google packing lists for your city or country. There are often many bloggers who’ve made packing lists and shared these online. Find some inspiration there.
  • And look at your own visitors: what are items they often forget?
  • Create a list of your amenities, so you know what your guests can leave at home.
  • Of course you can also share destination-tips. I will create a different blog post on this in the near future. To stay tuned and to be notified when this post comes online, be sure to become a member of the Tremento Tribe.
  • Create a serie of posts. Make your tips a weekly thing.
  • And stay within 1 category of tips for a while. Don’t share dining tips one week and then the next weather-related tips. Stay consistent.

Did you enjoy this post? Then please let me know in the comments. Feel free to share your thoughts and if you come across any inspiring examples from hotels, please do share.

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