Room Tour Videos – Social Media for Hotels #6

Use room tour videos on social media to increase your audience and win new guests. However: there are a few golden rules! Your personality should shine through in the video, you need to manage the style and message you’re going to distribute. Even when working with an influencer. In this post, I show you some examples and give a few valuable tips for when you are going to create your own room tour videos.
The top 6 types of content categories Millennials want

What types of travel content do Millennials engage with the most? A question any hospitality brand should know the answer to. In this post I tell you the top 6 types of travel content Millennials find interesting.
Find your hospitality brand’s purpose with these 3 questions
A good content marketing strategy starts with knowing yourself. Your brand. Why you do what you do. By establishing a strong core, your chances of building an effective strategy increase exponentially. In this post I share some examples and questions with you to discover your brand’s purpose.
Smart strategy to market your destination: a travel guide – Lessons from ‘time to momo’
Want to conquer the travel scene? Be the best performing hospitality brand in your area?
Then YOU, as a hotel or hostel, should be your guest’s travel guide. That’s destination marketing at its best. In this post, I look at ‘time to momo’ to learn from the experts and give you tips on creating your own guide.
The 5 things influencing Millennials travel decisions
With their desire to spend money on travel, Millennials are a very interesting target audience for hospitality brands. But how do you get these travel-savvy youngsters through your front door? In this post I’ll tell you about 5 things that have influence on a Millennial’s travel decisions.
Content Consumption Trends and Millennials – Part 2
What are the 2018 trends in Millennial content consumption and how do they relate to travel?
The hospitality world is an industry continuously affected by innovation and technology. It’d be stupid for a hotel, hostel or any other hospitality related brand to ignore trends within content marketing and social media.
12 Destination Marketing Examples To Inspire you
There are lots of interesting case studies available regarding destination marketing. Most destination marketing campaigns are done by cities, provinces and countries. It’s almost never a ho(s)tel or restaurant that takes on the challenge to host a destination marketing program or campaign. But… why not?
Content Consumption Trends and Millennials – Part 1
What are the 2018 trends in Millennial content consumption and how do they relate to travel?
The hospitality world is an industry continuously affected by innovation and technology. It’d be stupid for a hotel, hostel or any other hospitality related brand to ignore trends within content marketing and social media.
The 5 Pillars of Destination Marketing and Strategy – Wonderful Copenhagen
What is destination marketing? Is it the end of tourism as we know it? If we believe the tagline for Copenhagen’s 4 year strategic plan regarding tourism, it is. To not look at tourists as tourists anymore, but to respect them like they are temporary residents. A different approach.
What is Destination Marketing and how do you use it?
Destination marketing is a type of marketing that promotes a destination (town, city, region, country) with a purpose to increase the number of visitors. With destination marketing, you try to move the customer. This is a big difference and requires another approach than product marketing.