Coffee Shop Website Design Inspiration – 6 examples!
How do people find a new place to get their caffeine fix? That’s right: online. When they land on your coffee shop website, you’ve got to lure them in. Don’t forget: you only have one opportunity to make a first impression. People want to see what you got to offer and what your coffee shop […]
Are you ready to master YOUR social media?
I am going to remember this day the rest of my life ? Have you ever embarked on an adventure, of which you vividly remember how, when and where it started? Because that’s exactly what’s happening for me right now. Tomorrow, the Tremento Tribe membership program is going live. Although still in its infancy, I […]
Week 2 of the Tremento Tribe Challenge
We’re so excited to show you how Week 2 of our Tremento Tribe Challenge 2020 looked like! Take a look, get inspired and if you haven’t done that yet, join us on our #TTC2020 journey!
Week 1 of the Tremento Tribe Challenge
Wauw! Wauw, wauw, wauw! Is there any other way I could begin this blog post? I’ve had the most crazy week. On Monday the 1st our Tremento Tribe Challenge 2020 started. Hospitality Instagram Marketing has been taken to the next level and it has been incredibly exciting to see the submissions come in. We’ve had […]
Restaurant takeaway promotion on social media: 6 examples!
How to promote your restaurant takeaway and connect with guests during covid-19? The pandemic has forced fancy restaurants and local eateries to throw their usual way of doing business out of the door. From receiving guests, to visiting guests. Restaurant takeaway and home delivery have become the new norm. But how do you promote your […]
The 360° Experience – Really?
Would you be more likely to share a hotel or restaurant with your friends, family and acquaintances if they offered a unique experience?
Of course you would.
New Tremento Service: Instagram Growth
Instagram is big. We all know that. If you’re not on Instagram, you’re basically not in the game. With new features like Instagram Stories (more than 500 million accounts on Instagram were using stories as of January 2019, according to data from Statista), IGTV and ‘creator profiles’ the platform keeps growing. But just being present on the platform, isn’t enough. You need reach.
Hospitality Instagram: Influencers and Cross-promotion
Today I’d like to discuss both influencers and cross-promotion partnerships. Why the two together? Because influencers, in essence, are also cross-promotion channels. And with the huge increase of the so-called influencers in general, cross-promotion channels generally deserve some more attention.
Hospitality Instagram: Ads
Ads on Instagram: they are incredibly underpriced if we may believe mister Gary Vee. Advertisement costs will go up soon, is his prediction, and I think he might be right. Because yes, Instagram advertisements are cheap. But are they effective? That’s a whole different question.
Hospitality Instagram: IGTV
It was June 2018 when Instagram decided to launch IGTV. What started as a separate app soon became an additional feature to the existing Instagram platform. By now you’ve probably seen the feature at least once or twice – that is, if you are on Instagram. But what can IGTV mean to you, as a hospitality brand? What can you do for your restaurant, café or hotel with this additional feature? It’s time to look at some examples and brainstorm about a couple ideas.